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Instagram is a paradise where to find excepcional content creators, like Blooming Memories, who are the main characters of this Winter21 Collection. A team of two restless and creative minds who love to travel and that we present you throuhg this KDiaries.


We're John & Sarah, we're both from Auvergne, at the center of France, it's a region surrounded by volcanoes that have been sleeping for 65 million to 7000 years.

13 years ago, at the age of 20, we met during our student jobs in a restaurant, and we have always been together from that day!

We have been working in our region for around 10 years in restaurants, local shops and marketing, with the constant dream of being able to travel full time, to discover all the beauties this world has to offer.

3 years ago, our new adventure began when we bought our campervan, we converted our lives, then we quitted our jobs and apartment and we hit the road to live our dream.

We're now living full time in our van, we're digital nomads: We're photographers and video makers, and we travel around Europe following our contracts. We try to live a simple, vegetarian, and sustainable life in our small van, we like to travel slowly, to fully discover every place we visit.

- WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES: We both have a passion for travelling, meeting new people, photography and video making. We are also big fans of specialty coffees, and we like to meet local customs of the Specialty coffee culture along our trips, to discover their universe and to enjoy slowly a good cup of coffee when we wake up in awesome places we visit during our trips. About this, we met a Specialty coffee roaster in Leon, Spain, who is one of our best meeting of trip. His name is Luis Angel Garrido and he's the founder of San Agustin Cafes, one of our favourite roasters in Europe, and for us one of the best coffee roasters in Spain. -WHAT INSPIRES YOU: All along our trips, we try to find the best spots, the hidden gems of every region, because waking up in awesome places boosts our curiosity and our creativity. We also like to meet new people, locals who are in love with nature like us, or small artisans. We like to talk with them, because there's nothing better than discovering a region/a patrimony in the eyes of people who live in the region. We also try to learn more from customs/habits of every region, because we like to learn what to be a local means in a different region.


John has always been a big fan of motorsport. When he was young, he made local karting competitions, and followed with attention every race of the Formula 1 championship. He was a big fan of Fernando Alonso, who was running for the Renault F1 team at that time. He continued following his career from that day, as he thought Fernando was a good and humble man who had a beautiful background and motorsport career. And he speaks French, like us!

We also fell in love with Spain and Spanish people. One of our dreams would be to be able to live in Spain one day, to be considered as locals there, because in Spain, la vida es un arte! (life is an art!)

Thus, we also like to follow Spanish trends, especially because Spain is more focused on environment and nature protection.

We like to live spanish style, eat spanish dishes, and wear spanish brands.

When we heard about Fernando Alonso' new clothing brand, we explored Kimoa website and we fell in love with its brand who is inspired by nature and uses the codes of motorsport.

We particularly like their last collection, because it is inspired by nature, and shares ethic values that are very important to us, because we believe that we can wear stylish clothes and preserve nature in the same way.

We particularly like our Lefrik x Kimoa backpacks, they're made from recycled plastic bottles, and help us to bring all of our photo/video gear along our adventures, and most of all, you've never touched a softer fabric than the one which is used for the inside pockets, it is so soft that we would like to jump in these pockets!


As Kimoa Bravers, we are proud to promote and share Kimoa values. To show that famous people like Fernando Alonso can make things move, creating a brand that proudly share ethics and nature preserving values.

To be part of the Bravers makes us also feel like we are Spanish! Because thanks to Kimoa, we now have a family here in Spain!


When the Covid crisis happened, we were travelling in Morocco, and this crisis and lock down forced us to come back to Europe quickly, we did not have time to finish our adventures there. We would love to come back there as soon as we can, with gifts and clothes to offer them to the High Atlas's children who need help a lot, because it is a very poor and rural region.

We would also love to travel again in Spain, we have never felt more alive than in this country. We discovered awesome and different places there, and we met so good people, we now have friends in all Spain, and we can't wait to visit them again!

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